GreenJOBS es un proyecto financiado por la Comisión Europea a través del Fondo de Investigación del Carbón y del Acero. Se centra en la reutilización de minas de carbón subterráneas al final de su vida útil mediante el despliegue de
GreenJOBS Project – Consultation process
GreenJOBS is a project funded by the European Commission through the Research Fund for Coal and Steel. It focuses on repurposing end-of-life underground coal mines by deploying emerging renewable energy and circular economy technologies to promote sustainable local economic growth
GreenJOBS Partners held the 2nd progress meeting on November the 30th and December the 1st, 2022, in Oviedo, Spain
The GreenJOBS project 2nd progress meeting was held on November the 30th at the School of Mining, Energy and Materials Engineering of Oviedo, Spain, to discuss project coordination and management, as well as the content, development and work structure of
The RUDAR magazine from Premogovnik Velenje, d. o. o., in Slovenia, presents the GreenJOBS project
“The project aims to explore the use of the cave infrastructure for the use of renewable energy and circular economy, including reclamation and rehabilitation due to mining degraded areas using mining waste; potential for the installation of solar and wind;
GreenJOBS Partners held the Kick-off meeting on Thursday, September the 15th, 2022, online
The GreenJOBS kick-off meeting was held online on September 15, 2022 to introduce the partners and their roles, discuss project implementation and cooperation rules, as well as financial and administrative matters. The structure of the project was also discussed, as
GreenJOBS presented with the European Research Executive Agency (REA) an application for the EUSEW POLICY SESSIONS 2022
The Central Mining Institute (GIG), the European Research Executive Agency (REA) and a Consortium of EU-funded projects (GreenJOBS, POTENTIALS, RECPP, RECOVERY and ATLANTIS), presented an application for the EUSEW POLICY SESSIONS 2022 entitled “No one is left behind: Renewables to