The GreenJOBS project 5th progress meeting was held on November the 20th, 2024, at the THGA headquarters in Herner Str. 45, Bochum, Germany, to discuss progress in developing innovative business plans for decommissioned underground coal mines. Two virtual plans were
GreenJOBS Partners held the 4th progress meeting on May the 16th and the 17th, 2024, in Katowice, Poland
The GreenJOBS project 4th progress meeting was held on May the 16th, 2024, at the Central Mining Institute – National Research Institute (GIG-PIB) headquarters in Plac Gwarków 1, 40-166 Katowice, Poland, to discuss progress in developing new business models for
GreenJOBS partners signed on February 2024 a Non-Disclosure Agreement
On February 2024, a Non-Disclosure Agreement was signed among all the partners in order to specify or suplement binding commitments among themselves concerning the non-disclosure provisions, in addition to the provisions of the specific Grant Agreement.
The Fundación Asturiana de la Energía (FAEN) highlights in LinkedIn the first paper released by the GreenJOBS Project
The Fundación Asturiana de la Energía (FAEN) highlights in LinkedIn the first paper released by the GreenJOBS Project titled “Repurposing End-of-Life Coal Mines with Business Models Based on Renewable Energy and Circular Economy Technologies” and published in the Energies Journal.
GreenJOBS Partners held the 3rd progress meeting on October the 4th and the 5th, 2023, in Velenje, Slovenia
The GreenJOBS project 3rd progress meeting was held on October the 4th and the 5th, 2023, at the partner company Premogovnik Velenje, d. o. o. at Velenje, Slovenia, to present the results of Work Packages 2 and 3, and to
The Head of Unit REA.B1 “Future Low Emission Industries” of the EUROPEAN RESEARCH EXECUTIVE AGENCY (REA), Dr Sebastiano Fumero, highlights in LinkedIn the presentation of GreenJOBS in the Workshop “RFCS transformational projects for a new era”
The Director-General of Research and Innovation of the European Commission Mr. Marc Lemaître has opened on the 23rd May 2023 the Workshop “RFCS Transformational Projects for A new ERA” organized by EURACOAL in the European Parliament. He has very positively
Projekt GreenJOBS – Proces konsultacji
GreenJOBS to projekt finansowany przez Komisję Europejską w ramach Funduszu Badawczego Węgla i Stali. GreenJOBS skupia się na ponownym wykorzystaniu wycofanych z eksploatacji podziemnych kopalń węgla poprzez zastosowanie odnawialnych źródeł energii oraz założeniach gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym, promując zrównoważony rozwój
Projekt GreenJOBS – Posvetovalni postopek
GreenJOBS je projekt, ki ga Evropska komisija sofinancira iz preko Raziskovalnega sklada za premog in jeklo. Osredotoča se na preučevanje izrabe jamske infrastrukture podzemnih premogovnikov za uporabo nastajajočih tehnologij obnovljivih virov energije in krožnega gospodarstva z namenom spodbujanja trajnostne lokalne
GreenJOBS will prepare a letter to encourage stakeholders involvement in the different partners’ languages
To adequately address the Consultation process, the Partners of the Project will prepare a letter addressing specifically the stakeholders. The letter will explain the project’s objectives and expected outcomes, as well as encourage stakeholders cooperation, asking for their help in
GreenJOBS Projekt – Konsultationsprozess
GreenJOBS ist ein Forschungsprojekt, das von der EU-Kommission durch den Forschungsfonds für Kohle und Stahl finanziert wird. Sein Gegenstand ist die Wiedernutzbarmachung stillgelegter Unter-Tage-Kohlebergwerke für sich entwickelnde erneuerbare Energien und Technologien der Kreislaufwirtschaft, um lokales nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum zu fördern und